Research Officer, TRAFFIC East Asia – Taipei, 1998 to 2003, Porgramme Officer, since July 2003 to present. Lead and manage the TRAFFIC office in Taipei, an international network initiated by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Activities as programme officer involve programmatic and office running responsibilities for office in Taiwan, include strategic planning, developmentof work programs, fund-raising, and communication, as well as overseeing the daily work of two staffs, including one financial officer, in the office. Work with staffs and partners to ensure effective implementation of TRAFFIC strategic plan, and liaise with national, regional, and international organizations (both governmental and non-governmental) involved in conservation and wildlife trade, includingcharismatic species (such as elephant, Tiger) and resource species (such as medicinal plants and fisheries species).
Project management and implementation – involved multiple TRAFFIC offices.
Bear bile market survey in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 2010-2011. Liaised with TRAFFIC Southeast regional office on the scope of bear bile work that TRAFFIC East Asia could work on, with the consideration of culture and policy sensitivity on bear bile issue in China. Responsible for the management and quality control for market survey and data collection conducted by more than one person.
Wildlife trade without border. 2005 – 2006. Designed and managed the monitoring of wildlife trade in Internet in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Communicated with multiple offices, staffs and consultants, and maintain the consistency and quality of survey and report. The report was referenced by CITES Secretariat for CITES E-commerce Workshop (Vancouver, 2009). Subsequently, with the invitation of CITES Secretariat, an update and advocacy oriented article “Wildlife Trade on the Internet” was contributed to CITES World (Issue 19, Feb. 2010).
Production of Traditional Asian Medicine Identification Guide.2003–2004.Coordinated government officers and TRAFFIC staffs from UK, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan on the production of Identification Guide. In the panel of international press conference for the launch of products in CITES CoP13 at Bangkok, Thailand in October 2004. The Traditional Asian Medicine Identification Guide was designed for the non-Chinese speakers to be able to identify the raw and manufactured traditional Asian medicine. After the publication of this identification guide, some large quantities of Asian medicine were seized in Europe.
Shark fin and Mobulid Ray gill plate trade in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 2015. Designed and managed the monitoring of Shark fin and Mobulid Ray gill plate trade in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Communicated with multiple offices, staffs and consultants, and maintain the consistency and quality of survey and report.
Wildlife Trade Market Observation. 1999 to present
Management and implement wildlife trade projects/programme since 1999, involved ivory, Tiger bone, bear bile, agarwood, seahorse, HHW, shark and ray, jewelry coral, and pet reptiles. Working with and training consultants for market survey and maintaining the consistency and quality of the survey and report. These wildlife trade market surveys and reports were not only help completing the picture of global trade on different species, but also raising the awareness of Taiwan government on certain profile species and further implementation of harvest and trade regulations.
Policy, Regulation and Strategy consultant. 2003 to present
Committee member of Taiwan’s slipper orchid nursery registration system.
Consultant for Taiwan’s authority (Forestry Bureau) on pet parrot trade management, including problem assessment, regulation and mechanism development, as well as communication with industry, authorities and researchers.
Consultant for Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency on CITES and sustainable fisheries issue.
Worked with IUCN GWSG, Dr. Yvonne Sadovy and key stakeholders from relevant authorities and traders in Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong to assess the challenge of CITES compliance for HHW (Humphead Wrasse) in Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong, and provided the recommendations. CITES MA from Indonesia proposed to organize a task force to deal with the HHW issue after learning theassessment finding. A publication on the HHW trade into and through Hong Kong had increased great concern in Hong Kong and enhanced enforcement inspection.
Workwith Zoological Society of London (ZSL) on the Anguilla eel trade and policy in the Philippines.
The above committee member and consultants role have help to keep the long term and systematic communication channel with decision makers and industries, that significantly enhance the solidity of the government policies, strategies and regulations; as well as the compliance from industries.
Shop Carefully – a one minute animation created and broadcasted to target tourists go/from abroad. This animation, speaks in mandarin with English subtitle, uploaded to YouTube and received many interest globally, such as Singapore, for reusing in their public awareness programme.
Consumption attitude on Tiger bone–work with partners to understand the attitude and motivation of retailers and general public on Tiger bone consumption. The study result could be used by any interest parties to launch communication with more scientific support, and aiming the target group with right tools.
Capacity building management and consultant. 1999 to present.
Designed and managed the capacity building projects for government officers in Taiwan and China. Conducted the first ETIS training in China for relevant officers in 2001.
Coordinated supporters and training trainers from government officers and specialists in Taiwan and elsewhere, for CITES enforcement capacity building in Taiwan, and shared the experience and know how to other TRAFFIC offices.
Development and translation of CITES species identification manuals for enforcement officers.
Workwith Zoological Society of London (ZSL) on the enforcement capacity building for eel fishers and relevant authorities in the Philippines.