Said Zazai is an IT Technologist who has been active in the field both professionally and academically for over 14 years. Said holds a Master’s in Business (MBA) Degree, specializing in Management of Information Systems, from Canada’s leading Business school, the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. Said’s specializations also include Computer Server Infrastructure, software localization in Afghan languages, e-government and Internet Governance.
Said has worked in different international contexts, including Canada, the Middle East and Afghanistan. He has been engaged in working with various industries, including the government, oil & gas, financial sector and retail. He has worked in multi-national corporate environments including Hewlett Packard Canada and the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Petroleum Operations in the United Arab Emirates.
Said is an avid supporter of strong community mobilization for ICT sector development at national and global level. While working as the ICT Advisor to the Minister of Finance in Afghanistan, Said co-founded the National Information Technology Professionals Association (NITPAA), the first of its kind in Afghanistan. Said has also been actively contributing to the field of Internet Governance in Afghanistan since 2014. He has represented Afghanistan in a number of regional and global Internet Governance events, including at the Middle East School on Internet Governance, ICANN, IGF 2015, and APrIGF 2015. Said has also planned, organized and delivered a number of remote capacity building trainings for Afghan participants with ICANN and APNIC (in collaboration with the American University of Afghanistan), and also initiated the remote participation hub for IGF 2015.